So you want to do multiple confirmations?
There's a couple ways to do this:

1) one of the alerts comes in that says "this is good for X minutes" and you then need the other confirmations to come in before that time is up

2) if you are tracking a line where the price must be above or below it, instead of making s timer based confirmation you could do an on/off confirmation. Where you use two alerts for this one confirmation. One would turn it on/green/true and one would turn it off/red/false.

You can mix and match both of these as well. 
So with option 1 you have one alert per confirmation and with option 2 you have two alerts per confirmation. 

You can make these alerts in the alerts tab in the strategy builder. The alert builder gives you a list of fields at the bottom and you can add as many fields as you want. 
For a simple multiple confirmation all you need is a type and a symbol field. You will make each alert in TLs alert builder and it will give you the message to put into TV for each alert. 

Each alert will have a different type, and the type is like the name of the alert. So if you are doing EMA 200 Crosses Up - you would type that into the value. 

After making your alerts you need to create rules to listen for each alert. The new builder makes this easy. There is a little ID car looking icon that is to the left of each alert in the sidebar. If you drag that, two boxes pop-up allowing you to create entry and exit alerts by dragging and dropping onto them. 
This creates rules with conditions which match the alert you just made. Meaning this rule is already listening for that alert. Now all we have to do is add actions for it. These actions run when all the conditions pass. So in this case the actions we choose for this rule will only run when the alert for this rule fires. 
If after dropping the alert you see that there is a red Click Here next to symbol == - then you should go to the trade settings sidebar and select your exchange and symbol.Delete the rule you just created by hitting the three dot menu and clicking remove - or by clicking on the rule to select it and hitting the delete key on your keyboard.
To start with we should be dragging alerts to create blue entry rules. We'll get to exit rules later. 

To make the bot remember things, like what confirmations have come in, we need to add variables. There's a variables tab on the right sidebar. 

You want to add one variable for each confirmation you are making. Hit the plus button and choose True / False as the type. We want to turn this variable on and off with the alerts that fire. 
Now that we have our variables we can continue making our rules. We need to add actions to them. 

The next step is dependent on which option you chose above. Remember that each condition can chose its own option, you can mix and match. So you may use both of the following instructions for different confirmations in a single strategy. 

Here is how to setup rule actions for each option:
**Repeat the steps below for each confirmation:

Option 1) first create a new rule by going to the top Rules menu, and select Add New > Utility Rule. You will see a purple rule add to the list. Click on its name to name it "[your confirmation name] Reset"

- On this new rule leave confirmations blank. This means the actions will always run, but since it's a purple utility rule it will only run when we tell it - in the next step. On this new rule hit add action and select Set then hit Click here. Select Strategy Variables then select your confirmation. Double click to close. Then hit Click here again and set it to false. This resets the variable. 

- On our original rule that listens for this confirmations alert (we dragged it from the alert panel to create it earlier) Hit add action and select rule timer. Then hit Click Here and select the Reset you created for this condition. Then click here again and type in how long you want the confirmation to be open for. The boxes are hours:minutes:seconds. This calls the reset after X time. 
- On our original rule again hit add action and say 
Set Strategy Variables [your confirmation name] = true
This sets the variable to true when the alert fires and because of the rule timer and the reset rule it will turn to false after X minutes. 

Option 2) for on/off confirmations you should create two alerts, one for on and one for off, for each confirmation. Then you can drag each alert to create a rule for each. Then you can create actions for each. They should set the variable for this confirmation to true or false. 

- for the "on" rule, hit add action and select Set. Make the action say:
Set Strategy Variables [your confirmation name] = true
- for the "off" rule, hit add action and select Set. Make the action say:
Set Strategy Variables [your confirmation name] = false

------ end options

All your confirmation rules should be blue and purple at this point. If you are using the same confirmations to trigger exits then you should use the three dots on each rule and hit clone other side. You might be able to use Ctrl and select multiple rules and then use the rule menu at the top to copy them all at once. Not sure if that works ATM. 

After you have made all your confirmations you need to create one more entry rule. This rule will listen for all of your variables to see if they are true. If they are then we go ahead and place an order. 

So add a blue rule via the top menu, and then for every confirmation you have, click Add Condition. For each condition the left side of the == will be Strategy Variables [your confirmation names]. The right side will all be true. 

Then hit add action and select place order. 
Now you can do the same for your exit rule if you choose to. Add an exit rule and add conditions but make them all == false. (That's the normal way but this is up to you, whatever your exit confirmations are). Then for the action make it close order. 

You can also only listen for some of the confirmations and if any say 2 out of 3 are hit then enter. To do this we would make another variable that says Count and make it a number. This variable we can add to it whenever we hear a confirmation and subtract from it or set it to 0 whenever we do a reset. Then in your last place order rule you wouldn't listen for all trues, you would listen for Count >= 2 or something like that.

The Lux Algo Long and Lux Algo Short Templates in the Community Browser are a great example of this